This is your registration form for the 2014 Spring Champions Soccer League! We will keep rosters to a minimum size so all players will get a lot of action in this league. Games will be played Saturday mornings beginning March 29,2014.
The goals of Champions sports are to emphasize good sportsmanship, quality instruction, and a relaxed atmosphere. This league is open to boys and girls grades K - 6th.
Teams will generally play once a week for six Saturdays at the Fieldof Dreams Complex 14 333 Fairmount Rd. Basehor,Ks 66007.
Some away games will be played in other communities within the area. Players will be placed on rosters only when his or her application and fees have been received in the office. Please send team and preferred teammate applications in together to ensure placement together. As usual volunteer coaches are necessary for the league to be a success. City of Basehor residents will only receive a partial refund from the City of Basehor |