The 4th Annual Behind The Flag Spring 2025 Football Official's Forum!
Dates - April 11th & 12th, 2025 (Friday & Saturday)
Location - Albuquerque, NM
Cost - $175
- Mastering Consistency; Building Habits for Success.
- Train today for a better game tomorrow. Take the steps to improve your individual rules knowledge, learn advanced film breakdown techniques, and grow your officiating. The forum will be instructed by current D1 and DII Football officials actively officiating in the NFL, BIG 12, SEC, United Rocky Mountain, and LoneStar Conferences.
- We will cover video breakdown, officiation philosophies, rules, and mechanics.
- This is a NMAA/NMOA Approved Football Camp.
Confirmed Guest Clinicians:
Land Clark - NFL Referee
Tutashinda Salaam - BIG12 Referee
Jeff Hutcheon - NFL Down Judge
Jim Van Geffen - NFL Replay Official
Tim Crowley - LoneStar Coordinator of Officials
Mike Contreraz - Mountain West Replay Communicator
Tim Kiefer - MIBTonline
Behind The Flag Staff:
Abram Anaya - BIG12 - Center Judge
Joseph Martinez - BIG12 - Side Judge
Victor Sanchez - SEC - Field Judge
Leonard Longhorn - United - Umpire
Aaron Olivares - BIG SKY/RMAC - Back Judge/Referee
Dennis Barela - RMAC - Line Judge
Jarrod Storey - RMAC - Field Judge
Christopher Davison - RMAC - Head Linemen
Estevan Baca - LoneStar Conference - Head Linemen
Todd Morris - LoneStar Conference - Field Judge
Ken Adnet - NMAA - Back Judge
Donny Sanchez - NMAA - Umpire
Shawn Bennett - NMAA - Back Judge
Take the next step in your officiating path to success!
Refund Policy – There will be no refunds issued on or after March 21, 2025. If you would like a refund before March 21, 2005, please contact Dennis Barela - or call/text - 505-250-5207.